Wednesday, February 4, 2015

I'm Back!

It’s been a long while since I’ve written anything, but I have a tad more free time now and I feel like I need an outlet to vent. Someone told me to “stop depressing” the other day, which made me angry enough to stop being sad. I feel like it’s unfair to dump everything on the people I talk most with in game, so I’ll dump it out here! Whoo!

I’ve been pretty sleep deprived lately, which always leads me to being more easily overwhelmed by emotion. It’s made me really easily upset by our failures in challenge modes, which leads to me obsessing over them. But I decided to take a break from worrying about CMs. I’ll watch the next video, look up some things for me, and trust the others to do the same. And start looking for pugs on the weekends, maybe, if I have the time. 

I also decided to try not raiding heroics for a week. I do a lot of griping there, and I get easily annoyed when our raid leader starts suggesting they go up in the number of tanks to try to circumvent dealing with mechanics. Uh, if we’re trying to raid mythics (not that we’ve gotten there yet, mind you but still), you ought to be able to keep track of things well enough with 2 tanks. Plus our DPS isn’t stellar, we’re already over-healing it, let’s not lose any more. So rather than arguing with him and making myself mad and potentially others, I’ll just take a break this week, and consider extending that to no more heroic weekday raiding. I will continue to run the weekend normal group. I run that, I get to do what I want as far as the number of tanks. Heals I sometimes fiddle with- seems we either have 3 for 25 people or 8. If I have free time maybe I’ll pug some heroics. I don’t feel bad if random groups make me upset and I want to leave. No need to stick it out  like a guild group.

As far as the other things I schedule go, the Thursday CMs have been planned and cancelled twice, so I am not scheduling those again unless everyone tells me they’re good. Sunday CMs are still on. I’d really like to be able to do old raids for achievements on Fridays. Maybe in a few weeks I’ll see if I can.

On the school front: this is my last semester on the island! On May 9th I take my last flight out of Grenada. I will miss the weather and the beaches, but I am looking forward to my clinical year at North Carolina State University! (Not to be confused with University of North Carolina.) I’ve talked to one of my classmates who is also going and begun the apartment search. Super excited about being 3 hours from my fiance and my family, and being able to bring my dog with me!

This semester we begin a few clinical rotations. We’ve already had emergency, and I hope I was just too tired to properly compartmentalize because one of the cases hit me kinda hard. And I still want to consider emergency as a possibility, but if I cry at every lab with an issue that is doing poorly I’ll be in trouble. Aside from that, it’s been fun actually doing things with real living animals! 

One year left! I’ve heard some unpleasant things about 4th year- that clinicians may scream at you for mistakes you make, a few comments from that come across as very snobbish from current students that they made they’re groups of friends already so don’ try to fit yourself in. Uhm, really? Don’t try to be friendly, really? WTH people? We’re all students in this together! Makes me really glad I know who I am rooming with.

And on the WoW Inside ending and Blizzard Watch rising, I am really happy. The news of WoW Insider made me sad. I’m hopeful that Blizzard Watch will develop into something I really enjoy checking and reading articles from. 

I’ll be back later with a ton of screenshots for Matty’s #28daysofeoelove

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