Friday, April 5, 2013

Busy Body

I am a nosy person. I facebook stalk people too. I hide it well, because I am quiet and friends with other nosy people who ask the probing questions. What this translates to in WoW is: frustration. Not because I don't know everybody's life story, or what the current drama is. Rather, because I do a lot of research on the classes I play I feel like I am rather knowledgeable. And I want to share that. Unfortunately, sharing and forcing things down peoples throats are really close, so I try to back off and only mention things once or twice. For instance, one of the healers I occasionally run with is a druid, who has rebirth glyphed.

Simple thing, easy for me to ignore. But it grates on me (as much as people mispronouncing "pheromones" with Garalon- is there a polite way to correct the, 4 weeks in?). I feel that additional 40% health maybe once a fight is worth way less than a glyph for something you are guaranteed to use every fight. And I can't force someone to change their glyphs, and they're healing fine otherwise. It's just things like that, and which target is best for symbiosis (shaman is often my first choice, unless there is pressing reason to want another barkskin but not movement). All I can do it comment once, then move on. I can't play their class, and they are doing a good job. I just feel it could be better. It's not my place to shove my opinions down someone's throat, and I hate it when it happens to me.

I have just been really easily irritated by our raid recently. I feel like everyone could be doing so much better. I also have to remember: I am not a hardcore player. I am not a great player. Learning to play was really hard for me. Splitting my attention so many ways to heal, and then to learn it all over again as a fistweaving monk, took effort. I love it and feel it helped my skills grow a lot. I speak up, I do more. I don't PUG anymore though. Probably in part because our server doesn't seem to do many PUGs, maybe because LFR has killed the desire. Maybe because raids are no longer as PUG friendly. You always had to take 10 or 25 people in who could organize and coordinate their efforts, but if 1 died to something, it wasn't an automatic wipe. If even our organized raid took weeks to get past Elegon and keep wiping to Garalon's enrage, how would a PUG do?

I need a change, and I've been saying it for a while and doing nothing.  I want to raid. I want to progress. I am a healer, a hard to fill spot in our guild. I don't want to let the raid down by quitting, and I don't know if I want to find a raid the rest of the week. I am just very "argh" right now.

To simplify it all: I want to pass my physio test, and manage an A in all my major classes this term. That should cut down on WoW time if i do it right.

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